This week the free download on iTunes was "A Lunar Veteran's guide to Re-entry" by Paul Thomas Saunders.
Paul Thomas Saunders is a physch and indie one man band from Leeds, England. He says he is influenced by people like Joe Meek, The Tornadoes, Emo Phillips and Lou Reed.
This is very much a phsych song, with haunting electro twirls and acoustic guitar twanging in an almost folky way. Although the music and vocals are most definitely not folk! The space age soundscape creates amazing effects, the vocals are distant and soft with mesmerizing tones and a mysterious edge. You need really good speakers or headphones to listen to this song because the surround sound and potential for a 3D sounding track are used to their full extent by Saunders. There is a fabulous soundscape created in this song which is great to relax and listen to.
Overall, this is a really well crafted piece of music 9/10