Tuesday 25 February 2014

Palehound- Bent nail EP


So if you follow me on twitter (@paperowls24 if you don't) you'll probably know the broadband has been broken and the only internet that worked for me were apps. That's been fixed now so back to blogging!

Today's post will be about a band called Palehound's EP "bent nail". You can listen to it HERE

Background info:
Palehound are a four piece indie/ indie-grunge band based in New York. They have one EP (bent nail) on iTunes, but have a pre-order available on bandcamp HERE.

Their casual indie sound is grungey and alternative. Their bass-y, heavy melodies go perfectly with the casual and gentle but emotional vocals of Ellen Kempner. Their lyrics are gorgeous and tell a story especially Psycho Speak. You can tell they have been thought about and the backing is extremely  clever and fits with the songs. For example Fly Trap mentions venus fly traps and sounds a bit like you're in a jungle. The first twangley guitar chords of Drooler paired with Ellen's high pitched softly focused vocals at the start are angelic! I'm a bit obsessed with these guys at the moment!!

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